As people in Baltimore attended a funeral for a fellow citizen named Freddie Gray who suffered a spinal cord injury from police custody. Because of the arsenics have started burning buildings, the police have had no other choice but to use force and enforce a 10 p.m. curfew in Baltimore. Brute "power" is being put upon the Baltimore citizens and has a negative connotation to the word. Police have too much power in society and sometimes abuse their rights and hurt the lives of peaceful protests, which makes people angry and cause chaos in the city. Police think its their down right duty to protect people and if hurting someone gets in the way of that, they abuse the right and overuse the extent of their power. The word power is also somewhat vague because it could have different meanings to the word and could confuse others outside Baltimore looking at old footage of the incidents in the city. The people are losing their rights to freedom of speech due to the lack of patience from the police, who started using the force against helpless citizens. Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts said,“Citizens are safe. The city is stable,” he said. “We hope to maintain it that way.” All the words that Batts used like "safe" , "Stable", and "maintain" are meaningless words and show a sense of vagueness to each of them. How could the city be stable if massive riots are being dealt with by police in the streets and how could any citizen be safe if police are using riot shield control and tear gas to stop the havoc? Orwell would see these meaningless and vague words as getting away from the concreteness of the English language and that these words lack meaning. Orwell would complain that the NY Times need to stop using words for their meaning and more use of phrases that will put more impact on the subject at hand. Orwell would see the word "power" being used for its strong meaning and would see it as a fault in language and would see it as a word that is clear in order to state the issues in Baltimore. However, no word choice in this predicament could be used to shadow the racist brutality put on by the police and that the true meaning of words cannot be expressed due to the misuse of words and phrases. The problems in Baltimore could be evaded if the media didn't use poor practice in the English language to show the laws enforced by the police and hopefully the citizens in Baltimore will get this problem straightened out.
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